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Corruption →
Corruption involves the misuse of power or position for personal gain, often through illegal or unethical behavior, such as accepting illegal gifts or services.
Bribery →
Bribery refers to giving or receiving something of value, such as money or benefits, to influence someone to act in a certain way, typically in violation of the law.
Theft →
Theft means taking someone else's property without consent with the intent to keep it.
Embezzlement →
Embezzlement is the unlawful appropriation of money or property entrusted to someone, for instance, in a job or a position of trust.
Fraud →
Fraud involves intentionally deceiving someone to gain financial or personal advantage through false or misleading information.
Sexual harassment →
Sexual harassment refers to unwanted sexual attention, comments, or behavior that creates a hostile or uncomfortable environment for the person involved.
Severe harassment →
Severe harassment is systematic bullying or degrading behavior towards a person due to their race, gender identity, skin color, language, financial status, national or social origin, political belief, or religious affiliation.